The S&A Fee Committee

The S&A Fee Committee is includes students, administrators, and faculty: 

  • 5 undergraduate students with 1-year terms (recommended by ASWSU)
  • 2 graduate students with 1-year terms (recommended by GPSA)
  • 1 faculty member with a 2-year term (recommended by Faculty Senate)
  • 1 representative each from the following areas: Chancellor's Office, Budget Office, Finance and Administration, and Student Affairs (indefinite terms)
  • ASWSU Pullman president
  • ASWSU Pullman vice president 

The committee elects the chair from among the student members. 

All committee members have one vote.  A quorum consists of seven members, with a majority of members present being students. 

You can view the current committee members on the Pullman chancellor's website and read more about the guidelines for establishing the S&A Fee on the Guidelines page


Join the S&A Fee Committee 

Committee members must be available for orientation sessions in February and able to participate in hearings and deliberations throughout March. 

Undergraduate students interested in serving on the committee can contact the ASWSU president at Graduate students can contact the GPSA president at